Navigating Work-Related Burnout: Recognize, Recharge, and Reclaim Your Balance

Thofhan Hannanto
2 min readAug 15, 2023
Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

Have you ever experienced these symptoms?

- Feeling Really Tired All the Time

- Not Doing as Well as Usual

- Not Caring Like Before

- Getting Easily Annoyed

- Having Trouble Thinking

If so, you might be dealing with work-related burnout — a common issue. According to a Gallup Study, 76% of employees in the United States experience burnout at least sometimes.

Burnout can be caused by various factors, including:

- Having Too Much Work on your plate

- Feeling Not in Control of what you’re doing

- Letting Work Take Over from your personal life

- Being Unsure What to Do with all the work and priorities

- Lacking Help or Support from your colleagues

If you are Product Managers (PMs) like me, these causes often hit close to home due to the nature of their roles.

I’ve personally faced burnout at work. During those times, I’ve felt stressed and uncertain about what steps to take. From my experience, I’ve identified five actions you can take to tackle burnout:

1. Recognize and Acknowledge: Admit the cause of burnout and understand its impact.

2. Take a Break: Step away from your current tasks to recharge.

3. Set Boundaries: Establish limits between work and your personal life.

4. Prioritize Self-Care: Take care of yourself through various means.

5. Seek Support: Reach out to your family and friends for help.

In short, burnout is a common challenge in the workplace. When overwhelmed with tasks, it’s natural to feel confused, tired, and directionless. However, as you begin to identify the causes, set boundaries, and seek support from loved ones, you’ll gradually heal and grow into a stronger person.



Thofhan Hannanto

Passionate writer and learner, using product management expertise to inspire, guide, and share insights with others