Reflecting on the Year: The Power of Bad, Good, and the Need to Start

Thofhan Hannanto
3 min readDec 26, 2023

As the calendar pages flip towards the end of the year, it’s a great time to pause and reflect. Reflection is not just about reminiscing; it’s a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.

Why Reflection Matters:

Reflection increases self-awareness, aids in learning from experiences, and sets a clear direction for future endeavors. As John Dewey, an American philosopher, aptly said,

“We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.”

How to Reflect Effectively

Create a quiet space for reflection. Write down your thoughts or discuss them with someone you trust. This process can lead to more profound insights and a more meaningful reflection experience. In this article, we’ll explore a simple yet effective framework for year-end reflection: the ‘Bad, Good, and Need to Start’ method.

1.Bad: Learning from Mistakes

- Personal Life: This year might have had its share of personal missteps. Reflecting on these allows us to learn and grow. Did a certain habit hold you back? Or perhaps a decision didn’t pan out as expected. Recognizing these moments is the first step toward change.

- Work: In our careers, not every project or decision is a success. Reflect on challenges faced at work. What could have been done differently? These insights are invaluable for professional development.

- Relationships: Relationships are complex and can sometimes go awry. Think about any misunderstandings or conflicts and what they’ve taught you about communication and empathy.

2. Good: Celebrating Achievements

- Personal Life: It’s crucial to celebrate your wins. Did you start a new hobby, improve your health, or perhaps learn a new skill? Acknowledge and savor these victories.

- Work: Reflect on your professional achievements. Whether it was a successful project, positive feedback, or a promotion — these successes are milestones in your career journey.

- Relationships: Positive moments in relationships, like strengthened bonds or new connections, are just as significant. Celebrate the love and support you’ve given and received.

3. Need to Start: Planning for the Future

- Personal Life: What personal goals do you wish to achieve next year? Consider setting realistic objectives to enhance your personal growth.

- Work: In terms of your career, think about the skills you want to develop or the career milestones you aim to achieve.

- Relationships: Contemplate how you can further nurture your relationships. Maybe it’s about spending more quality time with loved ones or expressing gratitude more often.

Voting on Importance:

Take a moment to vote on which category you find most crucial for your reflection. Your input can guide future discussions and provide insights into common priorities.

Creating an Action Plan

Turn your reflections into an actionable plan. Set realistic and achievable goals. Remember, the purpose of reflection is not just to look back but to move forward with intention.

Reflecting on the past year using the ‘Bad, Good, and Need to Start’ framework can be transformative. It’s a practice that can lead to significant personal and professional growth. As we bid farewell to this year, let’s do so with insight and a plan for a brighter, more intentional future.

Share your reflections or action plans in the comments below. Let’s build a community that supports and inspires each other in our journey of growth and improvement!



Thofhan Hannanto

Passionate writer and learner, using product management expertise to inspire, guide, and share insights with others